Con motivo del Año Internacional de la Biodiversidad, cada dia del año 2010 se dedica a una especie de la lista roja mundial de especies amenazadas.
En el siguiente link encontrareis la especie de cada día, con su ficha informativa y su fotografía.
Este texto explica la importancia de la conservación de la biodiversidad.
Biodiversity is the backbone of all life on earth, and its conservation lies at the very core of IUCN’s work. ‘Species of the Day’ has been launched as part of IUCN’s involvement in the International Year of Biodiversity.
With mounting scientific evidence of a serious extinction crisis, it’s time to take action. “The latest analysis of the IUCN Red List shows the 2010 target to reduce biodiversity loss will not be met,” says Jane Smart, Director of IUCN’s Biodiversity Conservation Group. “It’s time for governments to get serious about saving species and make sure it’s high on their agendas for next year, as we’re rapidly running out of time.”
Each day of 2010 will see a different species featured on the IUCN website, with information on the threats it faces. The 365 species selected represent the entire range of taxonomic groups and cover all regions. We have started by featuring some better known species, including the Polar Bear and will move on to cover plants, fungi, invertebrates and more. Both charismatic and obscure species will be featured, providing an insight into the astonishing level of biodiversity that exists.